Swendrinata Suwardi
About Candidate
I was born in Jakarta, Indonesia at 23 Agustus 1995. I was graduate from Civil Engineering Faculty at Tarumanagara University in Jakarta, Indonesia with 3.01 GPA
I have several experience on working with preasure and tight deadlines. My greatest strength is that I’m always a fast learner, multitasking, and work well with others. I’m willing to learn anything to sharpen my skill.
Saya merupakan lulusan dari Teknik Sipil Universitas Tarumanagara dengan lulusan IPK 3.01.
Work & Experience
My Main job at Pelitamaju Multiswakarsa is : - Directly report to President Director - Be in charge for finding Project Information - Preparing a Quotation and Contract - Checking and Analyze drawing and working methods - Present the product to the buyer
My Main job at Hyundai Aluminum is : - Directly report to President Director - Be in charge for finding Project Information - Follow up to Architect, QS, Business owner, Contractor, etc - Preparing a Quotation and Contract
My Main job at Lixil Alumunium Indonesia is : - Directly report to Leader Sales - Be in charge for finding Project Information - Follow up to Architect, QS, Business owner, Contractor, etc - Preparing a Weekly and Monthly Report